Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Dance Your Ass Off Premiere Starts Tonight!

That’s right! The show that you’ve been waiting for is premiering tonight!
The Dance Your Ass Off show starts in a matter of minutes and I’m excited to see what happens on the first show. To recap, this show is “Dancing With The Stars” meets “The Biggest Loser”. Two shows that everyone loves is going to be combined into one! The show is based around 12 contestants that are overweight. They will compete in a dance competition and also will compete with each other to see who loses the most weight.

The contestants at weigh-in totaled approximately 3,000 pounds. Many of these people have serious weight problems and health conditions. There is a twist to the contestant’s weight loss goals as there is a “cheat “fridge and a healthy fridge. The cheat fridge has a lot of junk food to tempt the contestants into eating fatty foods. This is supposed to teach the contestants self constraint and real-life temptations. One of the contestants, Brandon, made a bee-line for the donuts.
The rules are, each contestant will work out twice a day on top of dance rehearsal. The winner will take home $100,000 and most importantly self respect and lost weight.

There are three judges and each judge will rate the contestant’s dance performance based on a 1 to 10 scale.
Results will be recorded after tonight’s premiere of Dance Your Ass Off!